Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Mommy Diaries"

Well, life with two 1 year olds is quite entertaining to say the least...the other night we (mainly mommy) were anxiously awaiting daddy's arrival from work. Once he walked in the door the boys took off after him (quite cute!!). Anyways, daddy said, "ewwww, somebody pooped..." and I thought, "ahhh, perfect timing!!" So, I am in the kitchen making dinner, when all of the sudden I hear a scream, "HELP!!! Mitchell pooped without a diaper!!". I came running to see what happened and I didn't see any poop!! Kyle said, "Julie, look it fell out on the floor." I got so tickled I could hardly help!! Mitchell had on a one piece fleece outfit and his diaper had somehow fallen down his leg. Apparently, that fleece on his hynie felt cozy enough to POOP on!! And, on a side note...our children ALWAYS twist and turn when changing a diaper so you can imagine how much fun that is. So, I grabbed Mitchell's legs and kyle turned to clean up the mess only to notice Parker had something in his mouth...he immediately did the finger swoop and unfortunately he pulled out poop. I was in disbelief when he showed me. I totally thought he found a lima bean on the floor until kyle said, "Julie, smell's poop!! Should we take him to the doctor?? He could get ecoli??" I couldn't help but continue to laugh!! I told him that he's probably not the first kid to eat poop, however he could be the first kid to eat his brother's poop, though. Ha ha!! Had I been alone during this fiasco, I'm sure I would have a much different attitude!! We did eventually get them both cleaned up and we haven't noticed Parker being sick from it, so that's good too!! Boy were our lives BORING before Mitchell & Parker!!


Anonymous said...

I fell over laughing!! This is way to FUNNY... wow ..your life is busy... We all need to get together soon!!! Love~Raine

Anonymous said...

GROSS! I almost threw up just reading that story. He,He That is hilarious I hope that never happens to me!

Zach and Kim said...

Gross! you need to write a book on all this business . The way you tell it is hilarious

Forrest Blogs said...

That's funny! Also, if he grows up and ever tells you that your cooking taste like crap, he may be telling the truth.

David, Samantha and Kaori said...

Babies will eat anything! That is pretty sick though. Did he have a gross look on his face? So funny!

Abigail and Ansley said...

I love that!!!! Aren't you so glad that Daddy walked in just in time for that one?! There is never a dull moment with twins!