Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Good News...

Well, Kyle told me that my posts are a little too wordy, so I am going to try to work on that!! I just want to make sure I don't leave out any details!!

Mitchell's progress:
He has gained weight and now weighs~ 2 lbs. 14.4 oz.
He is weening off his canula!!
He finally finished his photo-therapy for jaundice!!

Parker's progress:
He has stepped down to 1 liter of oxygen instead of 2 in his canula!!
His IV has been removed~hooray!!
He has lost some weight and now weighs~2 lbs. 6 oz.~they think it's because of not having the IV fluids~hopefully this will improve soon!!

Keep praying for our precious little boys!!

1 comment:

David, Samantha and Kaori said...

You could never be to wordy about one of the most life changing experiences that you will EVER have. Just type away, if we don't want to read it, we don't have to. But, it is great to keep up with the progress. Your pictures are precious and the boys look so peaceful. No crying pictures yet?